![]() Start by running a simple search and then turn it into a Daily PubMed Alert. You'll receive every article that matches your search terms, as it is published. File the best references into separate folders. Add comments, view the PDFs and share with peers and collaborators. Want more access? We are working to provide Universal Access to read all the papers you like! Drop us a note to be notified when this program begins. In the meantime, MedFetch links you to any content you have rights to read. Are you are attached to a Medical Center? Add this to your account Settings and MedFetch will get you access to their holdings too. MedFetch is a great way to access the literature for WHO Hinari users. Use MedFetch to collaborate in new ways, like sharing PDFs or creating publication drafts with bibliographies. And did we mention, you can earn up to 35 Category II CME hours per year towards licensure? Amazingly free... You can do all this on your Droid, iOS device or the web. See us on a Kindle, a Nook, an iPad, or an iPhone and someday maybe even your refrigerator... Remember the Palm VII in Y2K - we were on that too. We synchronize your devices - your data is where you need it. MedFetch.comRead. Learn. Write.Organizing data since 1997. |
Mail Bag
"Your service has been a Godsend to me because of the rarity of Mactel 2. Your site has allowed me to keep up on what comes in effortlessly as you automatically send it to me. I then pass some of it on to my retinal specialist at Columbia University when I go to see him. He is always interested to see this info. So I am continually grateful to you...
MR, New York, NY Member: 2010 "MedFetch has been my drug of choice for years. I withdraw when a few days goes by without an Alert!" XFK, San Diego, CA Member: 2001 "You guys ROCK!" BGM, Boston, MA Member: 2005 "I send my residents the Folder link and they access the PDFs from there. The reviews for Journal club are posted on-line for everyone to read. Now we just need to archive the video!" SK, Miami, FL Member: 2005 |